aveling the tryside dispensing his wisdom aeo as many young ladies as he bsp;get his hands on. he ;believed to use his big penis and promised eabsp;of them a path to nirvana through the use of his ‘flaming thu’.  he&ually earned subsp;fame that women sought him out, or at& were very willing when he showed up. and in exbsp;for his spiritual illumination, all of the women were required to pay him in beer….” (杜鲁巴.宫尼是十六世纪一位佛教僧人,在这片国土土生土长。这个疯子十来岁便修成正果,到处宏扬教学,把他的智慧、佛道向众多女性传扬。传说他身怀巨器,还答应她们怎样利用他这根『火柱』,带领她们到达佛教最终的涅盘境界。及後因为更多女生为求达到这境界,到处寻访他,让他声名大振,他一出现,女生都愿意作任何牺牲。跟他有过关系的女生,只需以酒作酬劳...)


    “kunney preabsp;that sexual&asy and drunkenness&he& ;to trahe illusion of&erial world and bee oneself. after riding nearly every wife, sister and daughter in the land, kunually&o buddhist mythology itself. he is said to do battle with all sorts of demons and evil spirits, most of them female. in one fhutanese legend, he&s a demoness by&ing her in the&h his penis, and then gags her with it. after she is&ed,&ransforms her into a good spirit through divine sexual play. that’s the reason why fhutanese draw this ‘flaming thu’ on every&rao ;off evils.”




    “but why the penis is&ed a’s eveing……you know it really looks like graffiti in a gay&….hahahaha….”(不过为何要绘的阳具是勃起来的...看!还射精...你晓得麽?我会以为是同志厕所里的涂鸦啊..哈哈哈哈哈...)


    “first of all, gay is prohibited in our bsp;sebsp;erebsp;is a symbolibsp;figure of kunney’s divine & power. if yoing to enjoy sex, and&he power of your penis to exorbsp;evils, man, why is it ed?”(首先我们这国家是禁止同性恋的。其次,勃起是象徵宫尼的权柄与力量。要是你在享受性爱,同时透过你的阳具来驱邪,干吗不是勃起来的?)


    “no. i don’t see why fhutanese draw this thu so&e. see?you bsp;outline or&bsp;but i don’t agree why your brothers drew s

