军事承包商 作者:小兵哥



    murphy's law,不管是译为墨菲法则、莫非定理、还是摩菲定理什么都好。这是西方世界常用的俚语,其主要内容是:事情如果有变坏的可能,不管这种可能性有多小,它总会发生。据说最早是一个叫edhy的航空工程师创立的,并在与航天机械相关的领域被广泛引用,但之后逐渐进入习语范畴,其内涵被赋予无穷的创意,出现了众多的变体,urphy's laws of bat就是其中之一(从某些词条的内容来看,我怀疑是在越战期间总结的)。



    1. friendly fire - isn't.?

    友军火力一点儿都不友好。(美军术语friendly fire是指“被自己人误伤”)

    2. recoilless rifles - aren't.?


    3. suppressive fires - won't.?


    4. you are not supermaake note.?


    5. a sug d is nature's way of telling you to slow down.?


    6. if it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.?


    7. try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you.?


    8. if at first you don't subsp; air strike.?


    9. if you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.?


    10. never share a foxhole with ahan yourself.?


    11. o bed with anyohan yourself.?


    12.  that your ohe lowest bidder.?


    13. if y really well, it's an ambush.?


    14. the enemy diversion yn is their main attack.?


    15. the enemy invariably atta two os: a. when they're ready. b. when you're not.?


    16. no oplan ever survives initial tact.?


    17. there is no sug as a perfe.?


    18. five sed fuses always burn three seds.?


    19. there is no sug as a in a foxhole.?


    2 enemy is probably just falling bad regrouping.?


    21. the important thihe simple are always hard.


    22. the easy way is always mined.


    23. teamwork is essential; it gives the eher people to shoot at.


    24. don't look spicuous; it draws fire. for this reason, it is not at

    all unon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb mags.


    25. never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you.


    26. if you are short  but the enemy, you are i zone.


    27. when you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too.


    28. i of way.


    29.  has ever passed iion.


    30. io has ever passed bat.


    31. if the ehin range, so are you.


    32. the ohan iny fire is ining friendly fire.


    33. things that must be together to work ever be shipped together.


    34. things that must wether, 't be carried to the field that way.


    35. radios will fail as soon as you


    36. radar tends to fail at night and iher, and especially during both).


    37. anything you do & you killed, inothing.


    38. make it too tough for the e in, and you won't be able to get out.


    39. tracers work both ways.


    40. if you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will get more than your fair share of objectives to take.


    41. when both sides are ced they're about to lose, they're bht.


    42. professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of daeurs.


    43. military intelligeradi.


    44. fortify your front; you'll get your rear shot up.


    45. weather ain't ral.


    46. if you ember, the claymore is poiowards you.


    47. air defeo: shoot 'em down; sort 'em out on the ground.


    48.'flies high, it dies; low and slow, it'll go'.


    49. the cavalry doesn't always e to the rescue.


    50. napalm is a on.


    51. mines are equal opportunity ons.


    52. b-52s are the ultimate close support on.


    53. sniper's motto: read toueone.


    54. killing for peace is like sg finity.


    55. the oem you need is always in short supply.


    56. is aren't.


    57. it's h your ; it's the oo whom it may “ you've got to think about.


    58. when iy yazine.


    59. the side with the simplest uniforms wins.


    60. bat will rouwo adjoining maps.


    61. if the plateant  see you, so emy.


    62. and whe when you  lie dohen you  sleep.


    63. the m in the world is a sed lieutenant  and a pass.


    &iohe rule, ahe battle plan.


    &hing always works in your hq, everything always fails in the el's hq.


    66. the etil you make a mistake.


    67. one enemy soldier is never enough, but two is eoo many.


    68. a d dry) set of bdu's is a mag for mud and rain.


    69. the worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it.




